Client Testimonials

"Ruth's healing touch and Aromatherapy Blends are so calming for my nervous system and I always sleep so well after a treatment. It is a much needed break away and timeout from being a busy working mum".

Celtic Women's Moon Circles -
"It has been an amazing journey and i feel so grateful to have been a part of it. To feel such strong bonds and belonging to other women in a completely safe space has given me deep warmth and validation for who I am. Each moon circle has helped me to become more in touch with emotions that have held me back and free me to reflect and move through a healing time".
"What can I say about Ruth's Celtic Women's Moon Circle - it is so much more than I could have imagined. It has helped me to fall in love with being a woman and to celebrate all that is feminine. I am in awe of the female energy, the good, the bad and sometimes ugly. I feel more balanced, more aligned and more inclusive of all that it is to be me in this feminine form. If I could sum it up in one word, it would be 'Divine'".

Oncology Aromatherapy Massage
"Wonderful relaxing massage provided much needed relaxation during chemotherapy treatment. I had a much need rest afterwards. Magic in Action"

Adult Yoga
"I love your yoga classes Ruth, they are varied, challenging and deeply nourishing for the soul".

Yoga Therapy Client
" Just wanted to say again, that class was Transformative! Amazing Practice!"

Postnatal Support
"Thank you for all your support in those early weeks. I felt completely overwhelmed as a new Mum and traumatised after the birth and then dealing with my baby's reflux. You really helped me in so many ways and overcome my anxiety and low mood. Your support meant so much.

Closing-the-Bones Massage Client
"Thank you so much for today. I found it very relaxing and emotional. I feel very reflective this evening".

"I felt a deep connection to my womb. I feel more together now somehow. Thank you"