Celtic Women’s Moon Circles
What’s involved
Celtic Women’s Moon Circles involve a group of like-hearted women meeting in a circle that is strongly held and facilitated and provides a sacred and confidential space to share and support one another. Celtic Women’s Circles focus on the different phases of the moon and how they relate to the seasons and cycles and the archetypal energies of the Celtic Goddesses. They are fun, friendly and we share what is important to us in these rapidly changing times. We enjoy crafting, storytelling and ceremony as part of each circle.
Embracing the Circle
We meet monthly under the different phases of the moon. Each Circle has a theme that is related to the Wheel of the Year and involves Storytelling, Sharing, Craft and Rites-of-Passage and is an opportunity to dive deep into all that it means to be a woman in today’s world through empowerment, creativity, friendship and sharing with like-hearted others. Circles are for anyone who identifies as a woman.
Circles are held Monthly on a Saturday morning and cost £25
“It has been an amazing journey and I feel so grateful to have been part of the Celtic Women’s Moon Circle Course. To feel such strong bonds and sense of belonging to other women in a completely safe space has given me a deep warmth and validation for who I am. Each Moon Circle has helped me to become more in touch with emotions that have held me back and free me to reflect and move through a healing time.”
Karen (Celtic Women’s Moon Circle Member)