Postnatal Massage for Motherhood
Aromatic Oils and Massage in the Postpartum period is so supportive for the new mother’s healing and recovery. Jasmine essential oil with its beautiful floral scent reduces postnatal depression and stress and has an energising effect on the emotions as well as building confidence.
Fennel has a strong-sweet aniseed-like scent and reduces fluid retention, aids digestion and encourages lactation.
Jasmine and fennel essential oil blend in a postnatal massage has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and enhance lactation in postpartum women and together with my signature bespoke massage, the treatment promotes relaxation, allowing a new mum to be held and witnessed. It helps release endorphins (feel good) hormones and aids in better quality sleep. It reduces muscle tension acquired during labour, childbirth and breastfeeding especially in the neck and shoulders, abdomen, lower back, hips, upper back, arms and hands.
‘Hipping’ or gentle rocking and wrapping of the abdomen and hips with hand woven shawls is an ancient massage practice from the Maya tradition of Central America that provides much needed warmth to the abdominal space while supporting the bones, ligaments, joints and abdominal organs, promoting pelvic health in the short and longer term. The massage aids in lymphatic drainage and reduces the likelihood of block milk ducts preventing mastitis infection. Maya Abdominal Massage encourages myofascial release in the tissues, aids in circulation of blood, lymph, nerves and energy and promotes balance in the body post birth.
Being Massaged teaches Mums the importance of self-care over time and it allows Dad’s much needed time alone to bond with their newborn while Mum enjoys a Massage. It promotes emotional well-being and reduces anxiety. It creates space to unwind, relax and restore lost energy. It promotes rest, recovery and healing and gives tired new Mums a break.
Postpartum Massage can be given as soon as you feel you need it postpartum. Allow 6 weeks healing post c-section prior to receiving a massage.
Massage, Gentle Touch & Movement, Aromatherapy, Listening & bearing witness to the new mother’s journey, providing support coupled with ancient healing rituals post birth can help the Mum come home to herself. This enables her to feel contained and to have her own cup refilled so that she can contain and nurture her baby more easily.